30 Sep

If you can keep your house clean all the time, you don't have to spend hours scrubbing, polishing, and sweating. It's not magic, it's just what our mother has been telling us for years. By sticking to small things, you can avoid big trouble.

No matter how busy your life is, these tips and tricks can help you keep a clean home. Each takes only a few minutes, but it can have a huge impact.

1. Make the bed

Nothing affects your bedroom more than tidying up a bed. Suddenly, the whole room lit up. It only takes a few minutes to make your bed. Try to make your bed every morning.

2. Wipe the bathroom quickly

It only takes a few minutes to wipe the table and toilet with a cleaning cloth. Spend a few seconds wiping the table to keep your bathroom tidy. Quick bathroom cleaning includes wiping things, collecting garbage, and hanging a new hand towel. You can also shake and make the bath mat fluffy.

3. Prevent water stains on the glass shower door

If you can simply prevent water stains, why take the time to scrub them? Apply a water repellent coating to the glass shower door to save cleaning time. After each shower, all you have to do is brush the glass quickly so you don't have to wipe the water stains off the shower door.

4. Wash the dishes

Dirty dishes will soon pile up. The key to owning and enjoying a clean kitchen is to get into the habit of washing dishes. Use the dishwasher daily. If you wash by hand, wash the dishes after each meal. This prevents build-up. It's better to wash for five minutes now than for an hour. Exquisite life suggests that everyone be responsible for their own dishes.

5. Clean every day

You don't need to move furniture to corners, clean it up quickly or vacuum your home's main traffic area to make it cleaner. Letting dust build up on floors and carpets shortens their lifespan. You only need to spend a few minutes walking through your home's main living area, which can save you money in the long run.

6. Clean things up quickly

Wear dusting gloves for a few minutes a day to quickly and easily wipe the surface. It is ideal for blinds, electronic devices and other places where dust is difficult to remove.

7. Put things away

While you're still holding things, take the time to pack them up, which will save you a lot of time. For example, put your shoes and coats in as soon as you enter the door. It keeps the room tidy and takes only a minute to complete.

8. Wash your clothes every day

Washing a piece of clothing every day can break down those terrible tasks into smaller, easier tasks to deal with. It is recommended to use this time to wash your clothes while working out or exercising.

9. Use a basket to store things

Baskets are a good way to tidy up your room quickly. Rubbish, magazines, office clutter, toys, crafts - clean up quickly and easily with one basket. Try placing baskets all over your house so that you can clean them quickly and easily.

10. Pillows

Sometimes simple things, such as straighten out pillows in your living room and putting on the coffee table, make our room look clean and bright. It only takes a few minutes, but it's very different.

You never know when there will be a surprise visitor. These daily cleaning tips will prepare you for anything. Share it with your friends and family on Facebook!

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